Breakthroughs in Allergy Treatment


Forty to fifty million Americans suffer from allergies to pollen, pets, sagebrush, foods, plants, drugs, etc. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that over 20 percent of the world’s population experience allergic conditions, with symptoms of a running nose, burning and watery eyes, congestion, and asthma. Food allergies among children have increased 18 percent … Read more

Winter Dehydration.


It is as important to recognize signs of dehydration in the cold weather months, as it is during the warmer weather. Dehydration in winter is perhaps more common than in summer; because we are not as active, hot, or sweaty, so we tend to not feel as thirsty or find water as appealing as we … Read more

EXFOLIATION – The Science of Taking It Off


Most of us already know about the importance and general benefits of exfoliation, including, obtaining a softer, smoother, less aged appearance. But how much does the average skin-savvy consumer know about what is going on beneath the top layers of the skin? Let’s take a look at some of the different ways exfoliation can be … Read more